Aaron Zar, SLNT founder and director of disconnection joins co-host Tom Eston to discuss the importance of Faraday technology, what’s changed with privacy over the last several years, some of the really cool SLNT Faraday products now available, and how Aaron tested product durability by running over a SLNT Faraday Backpack (containing a MacBook Pro) with a truck!
Don’t forget, listeners of the podcast get 10% off at slnt.com using discount code “sharedsecurity” during checkout!
** Links mentioned on the show **
Founder of SLNT® Demonstrates the strength of the Berry and TAA Compliant Faraday Dry Bag
Check out SLNT’s line of Faraday products
Visit SLNT on Twitter and YouTube
Aaron’s previous appearance on the podcast
** Watch this episode on YouTube **
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Visit slnt.com to check out SLNT’s amazing line of Faraday bags and other products built to protect your privacy. As a listener of this podcast you receive 10% off your order at checkout using discount code “sharedsecurity”.
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