Uber Hacked

Uber Hacked by 18 Year Old, Morgan Stanley Hard Drives Got Auctioned, Deleting Your Data is Hard

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Uber got hacked by an 18 year old using social engineering and a multi-factor authentication fatigue attack, Morgan Stanley has been auctioning off hard drives holding sensitive client data since 2015, and why is it so hard for social networks to remove personal data when deleting your user account.

** Links mentioned on the show **

Uber was breached to its core, purportedly by an 18-year-old. Here’s what’s known

MITRE ATT&CK Mapping of the Uber breach

Same hacker also claims he hacked Rockstar Games

Multi-factor Authentication Fatigue Attack – How to prevent being a victim

‘Astonishing.’ Morgan Stanley hard drives holding sensitive client data got auctioned off online

35 Best Free Data Destruction Software Programs

Why deleting something from the internet is ‘almost impossible’

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